The rout: Barysaŭ - Smaliany –Orša – Viciebsk– Zdraŭniova.
Length: 600 km.
Duration: 2 days
The army of Napoleon Banapart marched past Belarus quickly in 1812. The French emperor hurried to Moscow. In Viciebsk he examined the map of the country that he wanted to seize. The unrestrained Corsican didn’t know anything about Belarus and people that lived there. He would regret about a few months later. Cold water of the river Biarezina that is near Borisov took the remains of mighty Napoleon’s army. Many historians now think that if Napoleon had not been in such a hurry, if he had spent the winter in Viciebsk and regularized the former lands of the Grand Duchy of Lithuania there would not have been the battle on the Biarezina. However it happened what happened, and we will not repeat Napoleon’s mistakes and will try to know as much about Belarus as possible. We will go to the North – Eastern direction and visit some monuments that kept the memories of the French emperor.
Borisov remembers Napoleon very well. The remnants of the Russians’ fortifications that were built to protect the city remained on the right bank of the river Biarezina. During the French army attack the serious fight that ended in the victory of Napoleon was here. But little village Studenka that is 20 kilometers far from Barysaŭ remembers another history. A few months later almost the whole Napoleon’s army was annihilated here. Only Napoleon with the small part of its army managed to break out of encirclement.
Borisov itself is the city with well-preserved historic center, beautiful Christian and catholic churches and shopping street.
We are heading to the East. Napoleon escaped from Smolensk direction in November 1812. Almost every village in this region is believed to be the place where Napoleon hid his treasures. The road will lead us to one of the centers of Belarusian book printing and the second motherland of Uladzimir Karatkievič the city of Orša. Some ancient churches, restored academy of Jesuits and the remnants of the settlement have remained in the city.
Not fare from Orša in small village Smaliany we will find three interesting monuments. They are the ruins of the castle of XVII century that was called “Bely Kovel”, the Christian church of XIX century and the catholic of XVIII century.
The second day of our tour is fully dedicated to Viciebsk. It is one of the most ancient cities of Belarus. According to the legend the city was founded by Kiev princess Olga. Vitebsk is developing fast in modern and historic directions. A lot of churches that were ruined in XX century are being restored now. New monuments are being built and museums are opening. We will begin our excursion from the church of Gospel. It was founded in XII century. The town hall of XVIII century towers in the center of the city. This town hall is one of the five preserved in Belarus. The museum of local history is situated inside the town hall nowadays. There is a neighborhood of ancient narrow streets and old churches and catholic churches behind the town hall. The emperor palace of 1772 stays on the bank of the Dvina. The main character of our tour – Napoleon lived in this palace and here he make one important for him decision, that influenced the further events of the war.
It is not possible to imagine Vitebsk without Mark Šahal. This genius who was born in not rich Jewish family in the end of XIX century brought world fame to his native city. You may know more about the life and creative work of the artist in one of the two museums dedicated to him.
To finish our excursion we will go to the place connected with one more artist – Ilya Repin. This famous Russian artist bought an estate Zdravnevo in the end of XIX near Vitebsk, where he lived more than 10 years every summer and where he built a beautiful house on the bank of the Dvina. After visiting the museum and walking in the park along the river you will understand that this place was a wonderful shelter for artist’s creative work